Tuesday, June 29, 2010

27 candles

Best moment of my 26th year: the marathon.

Worst moment of my 26th year: the spiral fracture in my left ankle that I acquired two weekends ago. At least 3 weeks on crutches. At least 4 weeks in a walking boot (hopefully soon). Another 2-6 weeks before I can run again. About a 6% chance of being able to do the triathlon on August 29th. 1 completely bummed 27 year-old.

Monday, June 14, 2010

the waiting game

Is there anything more dreadful than waiting? Waiting for a response. Waiting for the pasta water to boil. Or the light to turn green. Waiting for football season to start. Waiting for the next episode of The Bachelor. Waiting in line at the DMV. Or for Friday to finally role around. Waiting for an answer. Patience, they say, is a virtue. But patience, it would seem, goes against everything in our very nature as human beings. We're always anticipating, always wondering what comes next, always looking ahead. . . and, therefore, always waiting in some sense. Maybe you're waiting for a positive response to the hundreds of resumes you've sent out. Maybe you're waiting for that guy from Saturday to call. Maybe you're waiting on those adoption papers to come through. Maybe you're waiting for him to get down on one knee already. Maybe it's just for a sign. Something to let you know what to do. Or maybe you're just waiting for your prayer to be answered. But, perhaps, waiting is the answer. Ugh, I know.